

Retrofit with INSEVIS-S7 CPUs underground

The robust roadheaders can be used to expand tunnels quite easily. Wikipedia says that in the 1960s these were modified tank chassis to which a boom with milling heads was mounted. The basic principle has not changed. The load underground is high, the entire shift is dusty and shakes. But the machines are built to last and their possible age often exceeds the service life of the built-in control system (if there was one at all). The company TBK GmbH in Duisburg is a specialist in retrofitting these machines and has international projects such as this one in Slovenia. Here, an INSEVIS S7 control system with an integrated panel was installed behind centimeter-thick bulletproof glass to optimize processes. The managing director of TBK, Mr. Hagenacker, chose INSEVIS because of its S7 compatibility, simple visualization and robust metal design. After a short downtime for conversion, the roadheader was ready for use again and now uses INSEVIS technology to drill on and on and on, durably and reliably...

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